Austin Meetup: Efficient Data Engineering with Apache Spark, Hive, and Alluxio on S3
August 20, 2019
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Cloud, Data, & Orchestration – Austin Meetup

At Bazaarvoice, a software-as-a-service digital marketing company, the data engineering team is tasked to handle data at massive Internet-scale to serve over 1,900 of the biggest internet retailers and brands.

We built our data pipelines all in the cloud using Apache Spark and Hive on AWS EC2 accessing data in S3. AWS enables us to scale “out” the infrastructure capacity effortlessly to keep up with the Internet-scale data and web traffic, but scaling out also exposes certain limitations like the ability to further scale “up”. While this cloud native stack is scalable and elastic we experience performance limitations, because data access is limited by the network bandwidth, and this is exacerbated for workloads that involve repeated queries.

To address the data access challenges, we leverage Alluxio, an open source data orchestration system for analytics in the cloud. Alluxio serves as a transparent caching layer for hot and warm data, such that Hive and Spark jobs are able to access all data transparently in S3. We have seen 10x performance acceleration of Spark and Hive jobs on S3 with Alluxio.

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