You won't want to miss this talk presented by Robert Nishihara, Co-Founder of Anyscale, which is packed with insights on using Ray to conquer the last-mile challenges in AI deployment.
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and machine learning, Platform and Data Infrastructure Teams face critical challenges in building and managing large-scale AI platforms. Performance bottlenecks, scalability of the platform, and scarcity of GPUs pose significant challenges in supporting large-scale model training and serving.
In this talk, we introduce how Alluxio helps Platform and Data Infrastructure teams deliver faster, more scalable platforms to ML Engineering teams developing and training AI models. Alluxio’s highly-distributed cache accelerates AI workloads by eliminating data loading bottlenecks and maximizing GPU utilization. Customers report up to 4x faster training performance with high-speed access to petabytes of data spread across billions of files regardless of persistent storage type or proximity to GPU clusters. Alluxio’s architecture lowers data infrastructure costs, increases GPU utilization, and enables workload portability for navigating GPU scarcity challenges.