
Alluxio Blog

Data Consistency Model in Alluxio

When applications are only reading and writing through Alluxio, the Alluxio file system provides strong consistency. However, when clients are writing data across both Alluxio and under storage, the consistency depends on the Alluxio write type and under storage type. This article discusses what to expect in each scenario.

What’s new in Alluxio 2.4

Alluxio 2.4.0 focuses on features critical to large scale, production deployments in Cloud and Hybrid Cloud environments. Enterprises leverage Alluxio at enormous scale in many dimensions, including number of files, total volume of data, requests per second, and number of concurrent clients.

Building a high-performance platform on AWS to support real-time gaming services using Presto and Alluxio

This blog explores an innovative platform with Presto as the computing engine and Alluxio as a data orchestration layer between Presto and S3 storage, to support online services with instantaneous response within the gaming industry. The preliminary results show that Presto with Alluxio outperforms S3 significantly in all cases.Alluxio with metadata caching shows up to 5.9x performance gain when handling large numbers of small files.

Adopting Satellite Clusters with Alluxio at Vipshop to Improve Spark Jobs for Targeted Advertising by 30x

As the third largest e-commerce site in China, Vipshop processes large amounts of data collected daily to generate targeted advertisements for its consumers. In this article, Gang Deng from Vipshop describes how to meet SLAs by improving struggling Spark jobs on HDFS by up to 30x, and optimize hot data access with Alluxio to create … Continued

Running Presto/Trino in a Hybrid Cloud Architecture

Migrating SQL workloads from a fully on-premise environment to cloud infrastructure has numerous benefits, including alleviating resource contention and reducing costs by paying for computation resources on an on-demand basis. In the case of Presto running on data stored in HDFS, the separation of compute in the cloud and storage on-premises is apparent since Presto’s … Continued

Introducing Alluxio 2.3

Alluxio 2.3.0 focuses on streamlining the user experience in hybrid cloud deployments where Alluxio is deployed with compute in the cloud to access data on-prem. Features such as environment validation tools and concurrent metadata synchronization greatly improve Alluxio’s functionality. Integrations with AWS EMR, Google Dataproc, K8s, and AWS Glue make Alluxio easy to use in a variety of cloud environments. In this article, we will share some of the highlights of the release. For more, please visit our release notes page.