Serving Structured Data in Alluxio: Concept

This article introduces Structured Data Management available in the latest Alluxio 2.2.0 release, a new effort to provide further benefits to SQL and structured data workloads using Alluxio.

Optimizing Query Performance by Decoupling Presto and Hive Data Warehouse

Community Online Office Hour *

Alluxio, as a data orchestration layer provides the physical data independence, for Presto to interact with the data more efficiently. In addition to caching for IO acceleration, Alluxio also provides a catalog service to abstract the metadata in the Hive Metastore, and transformations to expose the data in compute-optimized way. In this talk, we describe some of the challenges of using Presto with Hive, and introduce Alluxio data orchestration for solving those challenges.

What’s new in Alluxio 2: from seamless operations to structured data management

Alluxio 2.0 release was the biggest update since the birth of the project “Tachyon” from UC Berkley’s AmpLab. Gathering feedback from our Open Source Community and enterprise users, Alluxio 2.0 expands the system in three major directions including improving the operability of the system, having more advanced data management, as well as re-architecting the system to be able to scale to 1 billion + file. The system is now cloud native on AWS, Google Cloud, and allow users to enable native deployment with K8s. The new advanced data management enables data migration and replication from diff storage systems.

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What’s new in Alluxio 2: from seamless operations to structured data management

Community Online Office Hour *

Alluxio 2.0 expands the system in three major directions including improving the operability of the system, having more advanced data management, as well as re-architecting the system to be able to scale to 1 billion + file. The system is now cloud native on AWS, Google Cloud, and allow users to enable native deployment with K8s. The new advanced data management enables data migration and replication from diff storage systems.

Enabling Ultra-fast Presto in the Cloud with Alluxio

This talk describes a stack of open-source projects to serve high-concurrent and low-latency SQL queries using Presto with Alluxio on big data in the cloud. Deploying Alluxio as a data orchestration layer to access cloud storage object storage (e.g., AWS S3), this architecture greatly enhances the data locality of Presto with distributed and cross-query caching, thus avoids reading the same data repeatedly from the cloud storage.

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