Running Presto with Alluxio on Amazon EMR

Community Online Office Hour *

Many organizations are leveraging EMR to run big data analytics on public cloud. However, reading and writing data to S3 directly can result in slow and inconsistent performance. Alluxio is a data orchestration layer for the cloud, and in this use case it caches data for S3, ensuring high and predictable performance as well as reduced network traffic.

Speeding Up I/O for Machine Learning

Alluxio Global Online Meetup *

This talk will guide the audience on how Alluxio can greatly simplify the data preparation phase in with remote and possibly multiple data sources. We will share the lessons and benchmark from Bill Zhao an engineer led in Apple when building a Machine Learning platform using Tensorflow, NFS, DC/OS and Alluxio.

Tech Talk: Accelerating analytics with EMR on your S3 data lake

EMR has become a widely used service to run big data analytics in the public cloud. But issues around slow/inconsistent EMR performance due to S3 data lakes creates challenges for organizations. 

Alluxio is a data orchestration layer for the cloud that increases performance of analytic workloads running on AWS EMR using S3 as the storage. 

Join us for this webinar where we will show you how to set up EMR Spark and Hive with Alluxio so jobs can seamlessly read from and write to your S3 data lake. You’ll see the performance gains with Alluxio in your EMR/S3 stack.

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