Welcome to Alluxio.io!

Notice anything new about our websites? That’s right – we are super excited to launch our new website – Alluxio.io!
As we continue our focus on our open source community, one important item on our mind was to rebuild our website to provide better user experience for our community. To that end, you’ll see lots of changes in the Alluxio web experience.

Founder Blog | Alluxio Chapter 2.0

In the early 2000s, big data was born, and technology companies were racing to create the next-gen compute frameworks or storage systems geared towards the requirements brought about by big data. By the time I was a first year Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley’s AMPLab in 2011, numerous advances in big data related technologies such as Apache Spark was emerging. Through working on Apache Spark and getting exposed to cutting-edge technologies it became clear that sharing data among data driven applications with different compute frameworks and moving data across storage systems would become the bottleneck for any organization that wants to extract value from their data. To solve these challenges, I created Alluxio (formerly Tachyon), which for the lack of a defined category I called it a virtualized distributed file system in my original thesis.

Introducing Alluxio Open Source Project Governance

We’re excited to announce that the Alluxio open source project is adopting the Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) model. The day-to-day management of the project will be carried out by the Project Management Committee (PMC). Within the PMC, there are Maintainers, who are responsible for upholding the quality of the code in their respective components.
With the adoption of a project management mechanism, we believe it will further accelerate the project growth and enable contributors around the world to easily collaborate to bring exciting new features and improvements to Alluxio.

Founder Blog | Alluxio, formerly Tachyon, is Entering a New Era with 1.0 release

Today, we are very excited to announce the 1.0 release of Alluxio, the world’s first memory-centric virtual distributed storage system, which unifies data access and bridges computation frameworks and underlying storage systems. Applications only need to connect with Alluxio to access data stored in any underlying storage systems. Additionally, Alluxio’s memory-centric architecture enables data access orders of magnitude faster than existing solutions.