Reducing large S3 API costs using Alluxio at Datasapiens

Alluxio Global Online Meetup *

In this talk, we will describe how we have solved an issue with large S3 API costs incurred by Presto under several usage concurrency levels by implementing Alluxio as a data orchestration layer between S3 and Presto. Also, we will show the results of an experiment with estimating the per-query S3 API costs using the TPC-DS dataset.

Tech Talk: Build a hybrid data lake and burst processing to Google Cloud Dataproc with Alluxio

Join us for this tech talk where we will show you how Alluxio can help burst your private computing environment to Google Cloud, minimizing costs and I/O overhead. Alluxio coupled with Google’s open source data and analytics processing engine, Dataproc, enables zero-copy burst for faster query performance in the cloud so you can take advantage of resources that are not local to your data, without the need for managing the copying or syncing of that data.

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Using Alluxio to Optimize and Improve Performance of Kubernetes-Based Deep Learning in the Cloud

This article presents the collaborative work of Alibaba, Alluxio, and Nanjing University in tackling the problem of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning model training in the cloud. We adopted a hybrid solution with a data orchestration layer that connects private data centers to cloud platforms in a containerized environment. Various performance bottlenecks are analyzed with detailed optimizations of each component in the architecture.

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Build a hybrid data lake and burst processing to Google Cloud Dataproc with Alluxio

Alluxio Tech Talk *

Join us for this tech talk where we will show you how Alluxio can help burst your private computing environment to Google Cloud, minimizing costs and I/O overhead. Alluxio coupled with Google’s open source data and analytics processing engine, Dataproc, enables zero-copy burst for faster query performance in the cloud so you can take advantage of resources that are not local to your data, without the need for managing the copying or syncing of that data.

Alluxio Accelerates Deep Learning in Hybrid Cloud using Intel’s Analytics Zoo open source platform powered by oneAPI

This article describes how Alluxio accelerates the training of deep learning models in a hybrid cloud environment with Intel’s Analytics Zoo open source platform, powered by oneAPI. Details on the new architecture and workflow, as well as Alluxio’s performance benefits and benchmarks results will be discussed.

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Bursting Apache Spark Workloads to the Cloud on Remote Data

Community Online Office Hour *

Accessing data to run analytic workloads in Spark across data centers and/or clouds can be challenging. Additionally, network I/O can bottleneck Spark jobs that need to read a large amount of data. A common solution is to deploy an HDFS cluster closer to Spark as a caching layer and manually copy the input data to HDFS first, purging it afterward. But this ETL process can be both time-consuming and also error-prone.