Tech Talk: Interactive Analytics with the Starburst Presto + Alluxio stack for the Cloud

As data analytic needs have increased with the explosion of data, the importance of the speed of analytics and the interactivity of queries has increased dramatically. 

In this tech talk, we will introduce the Starburst Presto, Alluxio, and cloud object store stack for building a highly-concurrent and low-latency analytics platform. This stack provides a strong solution to run fast SQL across multiple storage systems including HDFS, S3, and others in public cloud, hybrid cloud, and multi-cloud environments.

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Alluxio Bay Area Joint Meetup at Intel 2016

As the first meetup after the rebranding from Tachyon to Alluxio, we will first present exciting updates and new developments of the community. Followed by many new features and improvements in Alluxio 1.0 and 1.1 releases.

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