Running Presto with Alluxio on Amazon EMR

Many organizations are leveraging EMR to run big data analytics on public cloud. However, reading and writing data to S3 directly can result in slow and inconsistent performance. Alluxio is a data orchestration layer for the cloud, and in this use case it caches data for S3, ensuring high and predictable performance as well as reduced network traffic.

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Building data lineage; Running Spark with Alluxio; Data Mesh

Big Data Application Meetup *

Running Spark with Alluxio is a popular stack particularly for hybrid environments. In this session, Dipti will briefly introduce Alluxio, share the top 10 tips for performance tuning for real-world workloads, and demo Alluxio with Spark.

NetEase and Alluxio joint meetup

Hangzhou Meetup *

Joint meetup in Hangzhou discusses: An introduction to new features of big data storage system Alluxio and optimization of cache performance, Practice & exploration of Spark & Alluxio, and the Interactive query system Impala.

Efficient Data Engineering with Apache Spark, Hive, and Alluxio on S3

Alluxio Meetup | Austin *

Welcome to the first event of the Cloud, Data, & Orchestration Austin Meetup! This meetup will feature two talks and an opportunity to engage with other data engineers, developers, and Alluxio users. Thanks to Bazaarvoice for hosting!