On Demand Video

How to Build a new Under Filesystem in Alluxio: Apache Ozone as an Example


In Alluxio, an Under File System is the plugin to connect to any file systems or object stores, so users can mount different storages like AWS S3 or HDFS into Alluxio namespace. This under filesystem is designed to be modular, in order to enable users to easily extend this framework with their own Under File System implementation and connect to a new or customized storage system.

In this talk, Baolong Mao from Tencent will share his experience in developing Apache Ozone under file system, showing how to create a new Under File System in a few steps with minimal lines of code.

This talk will focus on:

  • How the unified namespace works in Alluxio with different under file systems
  • How to create a new under file system to connect to Apache Ozone
  • Demonstrate how to use this new under file system in Alluxio


Baolong Mao is the PMC member of Alluxio Open Source Community. At Tencent, Baolong is currently developing Apache Ozone, which is the next-generation distributed object store, aiming to build a data lake by Ozone. Prior to Tencent, he worked for Alibaba and JD.com to build a big data distributed storage system by HDFS and Alluxio.

Bin Fan is the founding engineer and VP of Open Source at Alluxio, Inc. Prior to Alluxio, he worked for Google to build the next-generation storage infrastructure. Bin received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University on the design and implementation of distributed systems.

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