Accelerating Spark with Kubernetes

Alluxio Tech Talk *

This tech talk gives a quick overview of Alluxio and the use cases it powers for Spark/Presto in Kubernetes. We also show you how to set up Alluxio and Spark/Presto to run in Kubernetes.

Accelerate Spark workloads on S3

Alluxio Tech Talk *

Register for this tech talk to learn how to run EMR Spark on Alluxio as a distributed file system cache for S3.

Introduction to Alluxio 2.0 Preview

Alluxio Tech Talk *

Alluxio 2.0 is the most ambitious platform upgrade since the inception of Alluxio with greatly expanded capabilities to empower users to run analytics and AI workloads on private, public or hybrid cloud infrastructures leveraging valuable data wherever it might be stored. This preview release, now available for download, includes many advancements that will allow users to push the limits of their data-workloads in the cloud.

Interactive Big Data Analytics with the Presto + Alluxio stack for the Cloud

Alluxio Tech Talk *

In this tech talk, we will introduce the Starburst Presto, Alluxio, and Cloud object store stack for building a highly-concurrent and low-latency analytics platform. This stack provides a strong solution to run fast SQL across multiple storage systems including HDFS, S3 and others in public cloud, hybrid cloud and multi cloud environments.