Alluxio meetups, conferences, events and more

The latest Alluxio meetups, webinars, conferences and more


Past Events:

Alluxio (Formerly Tachyon): The Journey thus Far and the Road Ahead

Vault Linux Storage and Filesystems Conference *

Haoyuan Li explores Alluxio’s goal of making its product accessible to an even wider set of users, through a focus on security, new language bindings, and further increased stability. Haoyuan also covers some new APIs Alluxio is working on to allow applications to access data more efficiently and manage data across different under storage systems.

Best Practices for Using Alluxio with Spark

Strata Data Conference New York 2017 *

Haoyuan Li and Cheng Chang explain how Alluxio makes Spark more effective in both on-premises and public cloud deployments and share production deployments of Alluxio and Spark working together. Along the way, they discuss best practices for using Alluxio with Spark, including with RDDs and DataFrames.

Accelerating Spark Workloads in an Apache Mesos Environment with Alluxio

MesosCon North America 2017 *

Using Alluxio, an open-source memory speed virtual distributed storage system, deployed on Mesos enables connecting any compute framework, such as Apache Spark, to storage systems via a unified namespace. Alluxio enables applications to interact with any data at memory speed. Alluxio can eliminate the pains of ETL and data duplication, and enable new workloads across all data. Adit will discuss the architecture of Mesos, Spark and Alluxio to achieve an optimal architecture for enterprises.

Guardant Health: Fast, scalable, data processing with Alluxio, Mesos, and Minio

Alluxio and Mesos Joint Meetup *

Speed is usually a key factor when analyzing large amounts of data. Alluxio enables analytics applications, such as Apache Spark, to retrieve stored data at memory speeds. DC/OS makes it easy to deploy distributed programs (such as Alluxio and Spark) and containers across large clusters.
In this talk, we will first discuss the development of the DC/OS Alluxio package, which deploys Alluxio on top of DC/OS, and then then demo the deployment a complete analytics stack, both with and without Alluxio, in order to see the benefits Alluxio provides.

Apache Kylin And Alluxio Meetup

Shanghai Meetup *

With the development of online services and clusters, the HDFS NameNode becomes a performance bottleneck of the HDFS cluster, which is not conducive to the horizontal expansion of the cluster.
The community’s Federation + viewFs solution solves the problem of horizontal scaling of HDFS, but the configuration of this solution is implemented on the client side, which is not conducive to the operation and management of large-scale clusters. Using Alluxio as a unified portal for multiple HDFS clusters, operation and maintenance management is convenient, and distributed cache capability is provided.

Alluxio Exploration And Application Practice Meetup

Beijing Meetup *

In this issue, the Drip Technology Salon and the Alluxio community invited the core engineers of Didi Travel, Alluxio, Kyligence,, and Tencent to revolve around Alluxio’s position and design philosophy in the big data ecosystem, architectural features, latest developments, and well-known The company’s production-level environmental application exploration and practice, as well as the experience in the use of the process and other topics, and in-depth participants to share.

Accelerating Spark Workloads in a Mesos Environment with Alluxio

MesosCon Europe 2017 *

Using Alluxio, a memory speed virtual distributed storage system, deployed on Mesos enables connecting any compute framework, such as Apache Spark, to storage systems via a unified namespace. Alluxio enables applications to interact with any data at memory speed. Alluxio can eliminate the pains of ETL and data duplication, and enable new workloads across all data. Gene will discuss the architecture of Mesos, Spark and Alluxio to achieve an optimal architecture for enterprises.

Best Practices For Using Apache Spark With Alluxio

Spark Summit Europe 2017 *

Many organizations and deployments use Alluxio with Apache Spark, and some of them scale out to over PB’s of data. Alluxio can enable Spark to be even more effective, in both on-premise deployments and public cloud deployments. Alluxio bridges Spark applications with various storage systems and further accelerates data intensive applications. In this talk, we briefly introduce Alluxio, and present different ways how Alluxio can help Spark jobs. We discuss best practices of using Alluxio with Spark, including RDDs and DataFrames, as well as on-premise deployments and public cloud deployments.

Apache Spark Pipelines in the Cloud with Alluxio

Spark Summit Europe 2017 *

In this talk, we discuss how Alluxio can be deployed and used with a Spark data processing pipeline in the cloud. We show how pipeline stages can share data with Alluxio memory for improved performance benefits, and how Alluxio can improves completion times and reduces performance variability for Spark pipelines in the cloud.