Alluxio meetups, conferences, events and more

The latest Alluxio meetups, webinars, conferences and more


Past Events:

Enabling Presto in the Cloud with Alluxio

Presto Summit New York *

The Presto Summit continues to bring together the best developers, engineers, data scientists, and executives from the Presto community to share how some of the largest and most innovative companies are using this technology to power their analytics platforms.

Ultra-fast SQL Analytics using PAS (Presto on Alluxio Stack)

Presto Meetup *

Presto is widely used for data science, business analytics, and operations. Presto’s SQL is a main driver for this, as it is ANSI-compliant, easy to ramp-up, and has rich functionality. Given the versatility and flexibility of this software, there is also a huge demand to develop interfaces for other critical data domains like real-time dashboards, stream processing, and large-scale batch computations. We will explore some interesting systems and prototypes to bring Presto to these new domains.

Improving Memory Utilization of Spark Jobs Using Alluxio

Alluxio Community Office Hour *

This office hour shares a demo and compares two approaches, caching data directly in-memory into the Spark JVM versus storing data off-heap via an in-memory storage service like Alluxio

Building data lineage; Running Spark with Alluxio; Data Mesh

Big Data Application Meetup *

Running Spark with Alluxio is a popular stack particularly for hybrid environments. In this session, Dipti will briefly introduce Alluxio, share the top 10 tips for performance tuning for real-world workloads, and demo Alluxio with Spark.

From limited Hadoop compute capacity to increased data scientist efficiency

Alluxio Tech Talk *

This tech talk will share approaches to burst data to the cloud along with
how Alluxio can enable “zero-copy” bursting of Spark workloads to cloud data services like EMR and Dataproc. Learn how DBS bank uses Alluxio to solve for limited on-prem compute capacity.

AWS S3 + Alluxio + Presto = ❤️ The Ryte Use Case

Alluxio Open Source Online Meetup *

In this presentation, Ryte’s Chapter lead engineer, Danny Linden, shows why & how we solve some challenging technical issues, improve the speed, and reduce costs of our AWS EMR Hadoop & Presto -Backend with Alluxio to an awesome level!