We are excited to announce the release of Alluxio 2.4.1! This is a patch release on the Alluxio 2.4.X line. It contains a variety of bug fixes over the existing Alluxio 2.4.0. It’s recommended to upgrade from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 as soon as possible.
- Embedded journal bug fixes and stabilization (3b9ab1cc) (c1111dc) (b6ce6f6) (9114494b)
- Improve HDFS,Hive, and other validation tools (7ffd7d) (ece77c2) (ece77c2) (4994aad) (66af879) (eeefcff) (5e412a8) (741f7da1) (d09224d)
- Fix memory leak in inode tree iterator (301dc2f)
- Update Oshi version to 5.3.5 to solve JVM crash issue (c3b453a)
- Use longer remote IO timeouts to account for slow operations (44108cf)
- Remove unneeded gRPC connection (3715744)
- Better support dynamic non-root user in Alluxio docker integration (6d9ed3a)
- Use lower tiers in workers based on tier usage (918867)
- Implement concurrent UFS input stream cache (fdef847)
- Implement access API for Hadoop client (861d66d)
- Add ETag headers in S3 Proxy API to support reading files with Python s3fs (eca2123)
- Update Ozone UFS to 1.0.0 (893157d)
- Fix active sync path check (8e0dec6)
- Fix and improve UFS IO test (3eb0b2a4) (f031aaf)
- Add logs for slow remote reads and writes (23184c9)
- Enable HTTP POST requests to use cookies (ee701310)
- Support setting folder in Alluxio performance test (6871680)
We would like to thank Baolong Mao and liupan664021 from Tencent to keep improving Alluxio tools and OZone integration, Zac Blanco from UCSD for improving UFS integration, and Yili Luo from Nanjing University for improving Kubernetes integration.