We are excited to announce Alluxio version 2.0.1, a maintenance release containing several important bug fixes. The release improves usability and resolves several issues.
- Alluxio EMR Bootstrap Script Refactor
- Improve UFS journal parsing efficiency (Alluxio#9698)
- Support isolating Zookeeper client configuration for suppressing authentication (Alluxio#9438)
- Support statfs by Alluxio POSIX API (Alluxio#9418)
- Support specifying mode when create files with Alluxio POSIX API (Alluxio#9367)
- Support concurrent monitoring of Alluxio processes during startup (Alluxio#9355)
- Improvements in heart beat and resource pool interruption handling (Alluxio#9658) (Alluxio#9584)
- Improve sync cache to consider recursive sync of ancestors (Alluxio#9545)
- Performance improvement in checkConsistency CLI (Alluxio#9564)
- Respect read-only mount flag after restart (Alluxio#9413)
- Enable owner to chmod without write privilege (Alluxio#9515)
- Fix an UnsupportedOperation exception on worker registration (Alluxio#9501)
- Fix exceptions during journal shut down (Alluxio#9643) (Alluxio#9587)
- Fix a NullPointerException when shutting down worker too early (Alluxio#9411)
- Address edge cases in UFS journal recovery (Alluxio#9722)
- Fix SetAttribute operation always load metadata issue (Alluxio#9470)
- Avoid exceptions when audit log is used with NOSASL authentication (Alluxio#9663)
- Ensure tags are copied when overriding metrics (Alluxio#9442)
- Correct Alluxio POSIX API stat command (Alluxio#9375)
- Fix issues when using RocksDB in docker (Alluxio#9760)
- Fix issues in Web UI file/directory displaying (Alluxio#9482) (Alluxio#9483)