
Alluxio Blog

Accelerating and Scaling Big Data Analytics with Alluxio and Intel® Optane™ Persistent Memory

International Data Corporation (IDC) reported that the global datasphere will grow from 33 zettabytes in 2018 to 175 zettabytes by 2025. This trend becomes more and more complicated with the variety and velocity of data growth, and it continuously changes the ways how data is collected, stored, processed and analyzed. New analytics solutions from machine … Continued

Serving Structured Data in Alluxio: Concept

This article introduces Structured Data Management available in the latest Alluxio 2.2.0 release, a new effort to provide further benefits to SQL and structured data workloads using Alluxio.

What’s new in Alluxio 2.2

With this release comes the General Availability (GA) of Alluxio Structured Data Services (SDS), the subsystem of Alluxio responsible for managing and transforming structured data, such as databases, tables, and partitions.

Kubernetes, Alluxio and the Disaggregated Analytics Stack

Kubernetes, Alluxio and the disaggregated analytics stack  TL;DR: First the news – Alluxio support for K8s Helm charts now available! K8s is a certified environment for Alluxio. Now the take away- Alluxio brings back data locality for the disaggregated analytics stack in K8s. How? Read on.  There’s no arguing the rise of containers in real-world … Continued