JULY 2019

Upcoming events

Bay Area
August 20: Alluxio Bay Area Meetup – Interactive analytics in the cloud with Presto and Alluxio 
September 19: Open Core Summit SF – Founder & CTO Haoyuan Li gives keynote on state of open source across regions

Austin, TX – Join our new Austin Alluxio Meetup!
August 15: Meetup – Cloud, Data, & Orchestration Austin Meetup – Calling all Austin data engineers & analysts to join our first event!

September 9, Berlin: IFA+ Summit – Founder & CTO Haoyuan Li gives keynote

July 17-18: Data Council Singapore – Building Data Orchestration for Big Data Analytics in the Cloud

July 30: Community office hour – Building fast SQL analytics with Presto, Alluxio, and S3
August 1: Online meetup – Cybersecurity and fraud detection at ING Bank using Presto & Alluxio on S3
August 6: Webinar – Alluxio 2.0 Deep Dive
August 29: Online meetup – Separating compute and storage for data science and AI

Join our Global Online Meetup Group!

Alluxio Global Online Meetup

An online meetup community for Alluxio users, developers, data engineers, architects, and open source technology enthusiasts across the globe.

Announcing Alluxio 2.0!

Alluxio 2.0 adds major capabilities to simplify and accelerate multi-cloud, data analytics and AI workloads. It is Alluxio’s largest open source release with the most new features and improvements since the creation of the project. Read the Founder’s Blog on the new release and check out some of the news on the release from ZDNet,DatanamiTechTargetDzone, and Silicon Angle.

Tips, Tricks and Other News

We recently hosted a meetup at and made the slides and Alluxio slides available.

Did you see that Alluxio was named one of the 10 coolest enterprise cloud companies of 2019 AND were on the insideBIGDATA IMPACT 50 list? We’re super excited and hope you are too!

And last, check out founder Haoyuan Li’s interview with AiThority on why he founded Alluxio and where he sees the industry headed. He also discusses how open source Alluxio is democratizing data orchestration in this video interview with TFIR.

Register for our monthly office hours

Building Fast SQL Analytics with Presto, Alluxio, and S3
July 30th at 10am PT

Join our Slack channel! 
Get your questions answered by the experts in our Slack community channel

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